Generate a RSA key-pair:
gpg --gen-key
To export your public key, run:
gpg --armor --export > ~/public-key.gpg
To import the public key of someone else (to share the secret with them for instance), run:
gpg --import public-key.gpg
Use your gpg key across different machines:
gpg --export-secret-key -a > ~/secretkey.asc
scp ~/secretkey.asc othermachine:~/
rm ~/secretkey.asc
ssh othermachine
gpg --import ~/secretkey.asc
rm ~/secretkey.asc
Installing git-secret:
brew install git-secret
# OR
cd ~/
git clone
cd git-secret
chmod +x git-secret
echo "export PATH=$(pwd):\${PATH}" >> ~/.bash_profile
Initiate git-secret on a repo:
cd ~/my_repo
git-secret init
add yourself as a user with access (-m
uses your current git config
setting as an identifier for the key ):
git-secret tell -m
Prevent a file from being pushed without encryption
echo cloud.config > .gitignore
Add a file to the list of encrypted files:
git-secret add cloud.config
Hide the files / encrypt:
git-secret hide
Reveal files / decrypt:
git-secret reveal
Add other emails/users to the secrets:
git-secret tell <>,<>,<..>
git-secret hide
Push your changes:
git add -A . && git commit -m "updated git-secret" && git push
If you make changes to the revealed secreate you will need to hide it again before pushing so that the changes get stored in the encrypted file.